The economical battery changer.
The WBP is a completely portable battery changer for the small fleet with a variety of battery compartment heights up to 685 mm.
It is designed handle a wide variety of forklift and motive power applications from the low profile AGV batteries to the high capacity turret trucks and counter balance forklifts.
The WBP combines its own power and drive unit, carriage assembly and attachment system to give you a portable, but complete, heavy-duty battery handler. The unit’s ease of operation allows qualified forklift operators to safely and easily change their own forklift battery. The Walk-A-Puller is recommended for those applications requiring 20 to 40 battery changes per day, where battery compartment height variation is greater than 150 mm or over 300 mm above the floor. Two WBP models are available to meet virtually any battery handling need. Choose the only full-featured portable battery changer in the industry.
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